The Metrohitech Center develop and supply automation and training solutions to its clients local and abroad. Its major products and services are: E-Commerce Solution Computer Electronics We supply brand name products of HP, DELL, SONY, LG, IBM, MICROSOFT, ORACLE, SAP, VIEW SONIC, ACER, ASUS, TOSHIBA. Professional Training We offer one…Continue Reading

Metro School Toronto is a new projects of Metropolitan Group. The School offers following programs and courses: Ontario Secondary school Certificate Ontario General Education Diploma English Training Credit courses for college and university admission Pakistan Secondary school Certificate Courses Pakistan Higher Secondary school Certificate Career Training Certifications Training The Canadian…Continue Reading

We follow guidelines of various international standards in our work; such as; List of grades in Pakistan Grade Description Equivalency A Excellent A B Good B C Satisfactory C+ D Pass C F Fail F Percentage Grade Equivalency 80 – 100 A Pass 60 – 79 B Pass 50 –…Continue Reading

The TOEFL iBT is an English language proficiency test. TOEFL tests academicEnglish language proficiency. For TOEFL, academic English means first year,college-level English. Total: 4 hours 120/120Continue Reading