URL: https://metrohitech.com/concierge/wp-admin User Name : Demo Password : ConciergeDemo123 |
This is our best product for CRM, properties management, hospital management, projects management, hotel management, bookings, recreation centers administration and similar tasks:
Front Desk:
- Visitors, Parkings
- Units, Residents, Lockers
- Bookings
- Guests check in check out
- BLogs
- Woo commerce Management
- Phone systems Integration
Property Management
- Units, Residents, Lockers and Owner Ship Information
- Floor Plans
- Finance and Accounts
- HR Management
- Payroll Management
Security Administration
- Daily Reports
- Parking Tickets
- Documents Management
- Noitices
- Chats with Residents and Clients
- Incident Reports
- Patrol Reports
- Maintenance Reports