Ontario Curriculum (Grade 1-12)

The MG and partner institution offer Ontario Curriculum duly approved by Government of Ontario. The list of text books will also be available for courses outlines. More detailed available after the agreement.

Only international professional text books will be taught, as per approval of the MG, affiliated bodies and partners institutions agreement.

If the books are not available in local market, they will be sent from Canada, US for teaching.

Local Curriculum

The schools are also allowed to offer local curriculum to those students who opt for local education. However, their fees will be the same as of other students.

Selection of Courses

As per Education Acts of various countries, there are some courses which are compulsory in every country. The students will be allowed to pick those courses such as Social Studies, Religion, Culture and History. This allowed in order to understand the values of local cultures while studying international curriculum.

The following courses are taught accordingly to University of Education Guidelines:

  • Kindergarten Courses
  • Elementary Courses
  • Secondary Courses
  • Work Preparation Courses (E Level)
  • College Preparation Level C Level)
  • University Program Preparation Level (M Level)
  • University Preparation Level (U Level)

Pre and After School (no courses)

Kindergarten (age 4 to 5)

  1. Language Skills
  2. Arts
  3. Physical Education
  4. Social Studies
  5. Mathematics

Primary (Grade 1 to 5)

Elementary (Garde 6 to 8)

  1. Arts Grade 1-8, 2009 (revised)
  2. French as a Second Language, French Immersion Grade 1-8, 2001 (optional for foreign country)
  3. Health and Physical Education, Grade 1-8, Interim Edition, 2010 (Revised)
  4. Language, Grades 1-8, 2006 (revised)
  5. Mathematics, Grade 1-8 , 2005 (Revised)
  6. Native Language, Grade-18, 2001
  7. Science and Technology Grade 1-8, 2007
  8. Social Studies Grade 1-6
  9. History Grade 7-8
  10. Geography Grade 7-8

Secondary School (Grade 9 to 12)

  1. Business Studies Grade 9 and 10, 2006 (revised)
  2. Canadian and World Studies, 2005, Grade 9 and 10 (revised)
  3. Classical and International Languages, Grade 9, 10
  4. Computer Studies, Grade 10, 12
  5. English Grade 9 and 10, 2007 (revised)
  6. English as a Second Language and English Literacy
  7. Development, Grade 9-12, 2007
  8. French as a Second Language, Grade 9 and 10
  9. Guidance and Career Education, Grade 9 and 10, 2006 (revised)
  10. Mathematics, 2005, Grade 9 and 10 (revised)
  11. Native Languages, Grade 9 and 10
  12. Program Planning and Assessment, Grade 9 -12
  13. Science 2008, Grade 9 and 10 (revised). Science 1999 Grade 9 and 10
  14. Social Sciences Grade 9 and 10
  15. Technological Education, Grade 9 and 10, 2009 (revised). Technological Education Grade 9 and 10, 1999.

Same Courses Selection for College and University Admissions (at Grade 12)


English, Calculus and Vectors Advance Functions


English, Calculus and Vectors, Advance Functions, Physics, Data Management


English, Calculus and Vectors, Advance Functions, Biology, Physics, Chemistry

Life Science

English, Calculus and Vectors, Advance Functions, Physics, Chemistry


English, Calculus and Vectors, Advance Functions, Physics, Chemistry


English and any Preparatory Course

Optional Courses

Writing Skills, Data Management, Computer and Information Science, Financial Accounting, International Trade, Micro and Macro Economics, Visual Arts, Changes and Challenging, Individual and Family and Multicultural Society, Human Resources Management, Biology, Law.

The students can focus on their interests and future majors to select courses which should be six at least to meet university admissions requirements.


  • Complete total 30 credits from Grade 9 to 12
  • Pass Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
  • Complete 40 Hours Practical work/Community Service

The students may enroll at AP, level courses, Professional Courses in order to complete university admissions requirements.

Refer the Professional Courses for selection according to your interests.