The Metropolitan Group has following active projects.

The group provides hi-tech based solutions, products and services. Computer, electronics, Appliances, E-commerce are our major supplies.

Metro Hitech CenterMetrohitech CollegeMetro SchoolHitech University
The Center suppliy e-commerc computer and electronicsCertificate ProgramsOSSDBachelor Degrees.
Career TrainingDiploma ProgramGEDMaster Degree
Certifications TrainingBachelor Degree ProgramCredit CoursesPHd Programs
Investments Opportunities are available for projects visa our shopping cart. The investment Units are described below:
c$100,000c$500,000c$1,000,000C$100 Fee for Administration of Funds
Return 7-15% Per Year100% cashableEach projects has 3 year Development cycleDeposits are backed by written agreement and insurance as per banking law
Secured DepositsFull Disclosure AgreeemntTrasferable InvestmentsMinor under supervision can invest
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